Susan Schermer
With a passion for nature and for the visual arts Susan began studying photography while pursuing a career designing floral décor for weddings and parties and organizing events for the business district in her home town of Miami Beach.
Starting with film in a housed camera while diving the reefs of the Florida Keys and the Caribbean, her underwater photographs and articles have been published in Skin Diver, and The Marine Sanctuary publication. She was editor of the newsletter for the South Florida Underwater Photography Society from 1990-95.
“Eventually, I became amphibian and started working drier environments,” she reports. “I especially love to observe animal behavior and so was immediately attracted to the abundant bird life found in this unique environment.” She became a Florida Master Naturalist in 2008 through the University of Florida program. Her Florida bird images have been displayed at the Coe Visitors Center of the Everglades National Park.
”The digital darkroom was a watershed moment in my photographic life. Optimizing the image and making the final print are integral parts of the creative process. Film developing and printing was extremely messy and time-consuming. The computer, modern affordable printers, and Photoshop have made the photographer his own person from start to finish. I spend many hours of the day when not in the field, sitting at my desktop and working on images.”